Coffee Cars and Pancakes

The Coffee Cars and Pancakes Event is Saturday from 8am to 11am at Paul’s Ace Hardware, 1153 W. Broadway Road.

Marcos de Niza Football Show & Shine

The Marcos de Niza Football Show & Shine is Saturday from 9am to 1pm at Marcos de Niza High School, 6000 S. Lakeshore Drive.

🚨Show & Shine Fundraiser🚨
4th Annual Marcos de Niza Football Show & Shine Fundraiser!
Please join us on April 6th from 9am-1pm
All Makes and Models
Food-Music-Awards-Family Event
$15 donation to register

Motorsports Day Car Show

The Motorsports Day Car Show is Saturday from 9am to 1pm at the Arizona Community Church, 9325 S. Rural Road.

Catch-A-Wave Car Show

The 21st Catch-A-Wave Car Show is Saturday from 9am to 1pm at Kiwanis Park, on Mill Avenue and Baseline Road.

Kiwanis Park- North End, on grass field
Mill Avenue & Baseline Road, Tempe, Arizona
Entry gate is open between 7:30 am to 9:00 am on day of show

Desert Corvette Meeting

The Desert Corvette Association General Business Meeting is the first Tuesday at 6:30pm at Boston’s Bar & Grille, 1730 E. Elliot Road.

Tempe Meetup

The Tempe Meetup is the Second Saturday of the Month at 6:30pm in Kiwanis Park on Mill Avenue and All America Way.