The Christmas Car Cruise-In is Sunday from 8am to 1pm at Musine Chiropractic, 9746 Happy Valley Road.
Tag: Peoria
Toys for Tots
The Wellness for Life Toys for Tots Pancake Breakfast and Car Show is Saturday from 8am to 11am at 20449 N Lake Pleasant Road.
Bug Bloom #6
The Bug Bloom #6 Car Show and Swap Meet is Sunday from 8am to 2pm at Pioneer Park, 8755 N. 83rd Avenue.
Club Fundraiser Car Show
The Vistancia Car Club Fundraiser Car Show is Sunday from 10am to 1pm at Pleasant Harbor Clubhouse, 8708 W. Harbor Boulevard.
Trilogy Roadrunners Car Show
The 14th Annual Trilogy Roadrunners Car Show is Saturday from 10am to 1pm at the Kiva Club, 27980 N. Trilogy Boulevard.
Phoenix Wounded Vet Run
The Phoenix Wounded Vet Run is Saturday from 9am to 12pm at Arrowhead Harley-Davidson, 16130 N Arrowhead Fountains Center Drive.
Grand Slam Super Cruise
The Grand Slam Super Cruise is every Thursday evening from 4pm to 8pm at Denny’s Restaurant, 8737 NW Grand Avenue.
Arizona Military Vehicle Show
The Arizona Military Vehicle Show is Friday to Sunday at the Peoria Sports Complex, 16101 N. 83rd Avenue.
For 2024, the club has returned our biggest show to the Peoria Sports Complex Southwest parking lot. The club will really be pulling out all the stops to make this event impressive. Please note this event is THREE DAYS!!! That’s correct, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Of course Sunday is a half day, but it still counts! Take a walk through historic military transportation. See vehicles from WWI and WWII up through the Gulf Wars. If you have a military vehicle and are NOT a member of the club, you are invited to bring it own down for display. Maybe join us for other various events.
British Wheels on the Green
The British Wheels on the Green, an All-British Classic Car and Cycle Show is Sunday at 9am at Centennial Plaza, 9875 N. 85th Avenue.
The British Wheels on the Green is an all-British classic car and vintage cycle show organized by the Arizona MG Club and free to the general public.
Show entrants pre-register and pay an entrance fee to display their classic cars and cycles. This will be a combination panel and peer judged show with additional awards of merit and a People’s Choice award. There will be a judged Heritage Class for all 2022 first place cars and a ‘Survivor’ award category.
If you are interested in classic British cars or cycles, come and see the many classic variants available in the US. Talk with vehicle owners about the joys of ownership and membership in Arizona’s various British car and cycle clubs.
The show opens to the public in the City of Peoria Centennial Plaza at 9:00 AM on Sunday, October 29th, 2023. Centennial Plaza and public parking are located at 9875 N. 85th Avenue, Peoria, AZ 85345.
Arizona Rockabilly Bash 2024
The 13th Annual Arizona Rockabilly Bash is Friday at 3pm and Saturday at 9am at Pleasant Harbor, 8708 W. Harbor Boulevard.
Arizona’s BEST Kustom Kulture Festival with classic cars, hot rods, kustom bikes, vintage trailers, pin up pageant, food, vendors, and live music.