The First Fridays Cruise-In is the first Friday from 5pm to 8pm at The Shops at Norterra, 2546 W Happy Valley Road.
Tag: Cruise-In
Sun City Cruise-In
The Sun City Cruise-In Car Show is Friday from 2pm to 5pm at Greenway Terrace, 15400 N. 99th Avenue.
This is a Cruise in Show only. No awards. Everyone is invited!
Seton Classic Cruise-In
The Inaugural Seton Classic Cruise-In is Saturday from 9am to 11am at St. Elizabeth Seton Church, 9728 W. Palmeras Drive.
All makes and models, cars, trucks, motorcycles, golf cars.
Door prizes for registered participants, free coffee & donuts to first 100, and 50/50 raffle. Vehicle blessing for those who want it.
Please bring a non-food item for the St Vincent dePaul Pantry.
Maricopa Cruisers’ Weekly Cruise-In
The Maricopa Cruisers’ Weekly Cruise-In is every Tuesday from 4pm to 9pm at the Burger King, 20699 N. John Wayne Parkway.
Every Tuesday nite in large parking lot behind the Maricopa Burger King on John Wayne Highway. All vehicles and vehicle lovers welcome, and bring a chair to sit and talk. Goes until the last vehicle leaves.
Cruise Nights at Norterra
Cruise Nights at Norterra are the first Friday of the month from 5pm to 8pm at The Shops at Noterra, 2450 West Happy Valley Road.
Cruise in Nights at Norterra Starts October 6th First Fridays, 5 to 8 pm All makes, models and years all park together !
Freddy’s Friday Night Cruise-In
Mixteca Cruise-In
The Mixteca Weekly Cruise-In is every Saturday from 5pm to 8:30pm at Mixteca Mexican Food, 6731 W. Bell Road.
Free Cruise In, DJ, and life’s a party on the patio.
Great Food Specials!!!