Copper Town Days Car Show
The Copper Town Days Car, Motorcycle and OHV Show is Saturday from 10am to 3pm at San Manuel High School, 711 S. McNab Parkway.
The Copper Town Days Car, Motorcycle and OHV Show includes food & craft vendors, music and a 50/50 raffle. Spectators enter free. We have changed our classes this year to add a few that have been requested. Awards are presented at 2pm. Details, entry form & vendor info: https://sanmanuelaz.org/ctd
Vehicle registration is at 10am. Entry fees: 1st vehicle is $20 and $10 for your 2nd. A t-shirt & goody bag is given upon entering the 1st vehicle. You can pre-register or you can register the day of the event.
12 categories for vehicles to register for.
5 “Best In” categories that will be voted on by the spectators.