Arizona Classic Chevelle Club Meeting

The Arizona Classic Chevelle Club Monthly Meeting is the first Monday at 7pm at Links Neighborhood Grill, 18823 N. Country Club Parkway.

Monthly Chevelle/El Camino club meeting begins at 7pm. Most people come in at around 6pm to get some dinner and socialize prior to the meeting (we meet in the conference room in the back).

Links Neighborhood Grill is located at 18823 North Country Club Pkwy, Peoria, AZ 85382 which is located in Westbrook Village, North of Union Hills and West or 83rd Ave.

We welcome anyone interested in the club, to feel free to come to the meetings and join us for great events in the Phoenix area.

Arizona Rockabilly Bash

The 14th Annual Arizona Rockabilly Bash is Friday at 3pm and Saturday at 9am at Pleasant Harbor, 8708 W. Harbor Boulevard.

Arizona’s BEST Kustom Kulture Festival with classic cars, hot rods, kustom bikes, vintage trailers, pin up pageant, food, vendors, and live music.


Cars & Coffee Peoria

The Cars & Coffee Peoria is the second Sunday from 8am to 11am at Lowes, 25311 N Lake Pleasant Parkway.


The 10th Annual Arizona Rockabilly Bash

AZ Rockabilly Bash
Arizona’s Best Kustom Kulture Festival
March 26th & 27th 2021
Classic Car & Bike Show, concert, burn out contest, vendors, camping, party all day and hang out with your friends.