River Cruizers Cruize-In

The River Cruizers Cruize-In is the second Tuesday from 4pm to 7pm at Culver’s, 3699 Highway 95.

Tri-State Car Show

The Pharoah’s 4th Annual Tri-State Car Show is Friday to Sunday at the Anderson Fieldhouse, 3663 Bullhead Parkway.

Inside/outside car show
Registration is $30.00 inside
And $20.00 to park outside, price is good for both days, food vendors will be there as well. Raffle prizes,50/50 and awards will be given… also a Home and Garden Show

Scooters Car Show

The 25th Annual Scooters Car Show is Sunday from 9am to 2pm at Scooters Family Fun Center, 2750 Miracle Mile.

Pharoahs Cruise-In

The Pharoahs of Bullhead City/Fort Mohave Cruise-In is every Thursday from 4pm to 6pm at Perkins Restaurant, 2250 Highway 95.

American 7s Car Show

The American 7s Football League Annual Car Show is Friday from 7pm to 10pm at Anderson Auto Group Fieldhouse, 3663 Bullhead Parkway.